How Could a Good God Allow Suffering?
A few notes on the Chapter on Suffering from Tim Keller's latest book, The Reason for God.
Keller says: "Just because we don't see a reason for evil and suffering doesn't mean there's not a reason for it."
Keller also claims: "Suffering provides a greater evidence for God than for no God......."
Also, Keller says - - - "God does not allow evil and suffering to continue because He does not love us or is in some way detached and removed from us. God takes our suffering so seriously, that he took it upon himself."
Just because we don't see a reason for evil and suffering doesn't mean there's not a reason for it.
Consider the story of Joseph and the amazing conclusion in Genesis 50:20 - " You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives."
There are countless other stories where suffering was not good, but with time and perspective, some see the good that resulted from the pain and tragedy in their lives.
Suffering provides a greater evidence for God than for no God.......
If you think there is horrifying wickedness in this world, then there must be a supernatural standard by which to make this judgment.
Also, if suffering and evil don't disprove God - - it doesn't matter - - - because the God of the Bible is still responsible.
Peter Kreeft said - - "God came to the earth to deliberately "put himself on the hook" for human suffering through his life and eventual death on the cross."
Jesus came on a rescue mission for creation. He had to pay for our sins so that someday he could end evil and suffering - - without ending us.....
God does not allow evil and suffering to continue because He does not love us or is in some way detached and removed from us. God takes our suffering so seriously, that he took it upon himself.....
God is Immanuel - "God with us"
2 Peter 3:9 - The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.
Is Suffering in vain?
For the one who suffers, the Christian faith provides, as a resource, not just the Cross - - but also the fact of the resurrection.....
The biblical view of resurrection means that every horrible thing that ever happened will not only be undone and repaired but will in someway make the eventual glory and joy even greater......
In Christianity, everything sad is going to become untrue and it will somehow be greater for having once been broken or lost...
C.S. Lewis said - - "They say of some temporal suffering, no future bliss can make up for it, not knowing that Heaven, once attained, will work backwards and turn even that agony into a glory."