Another Year Gone
Thursday, September 6, 2007
Today, I turn 39. It's almost surreal--physically, I can still pass for 29 (I think??) and some days, I feel like my maturity level isn't much above 19. Thirty-nine in and of itself isn't so bad, though. It's just knowing that next year is the big 4-0 that freaks me out.
All in all, I am thankful for every day that God gives me on this earth because I know life is fleeting. In the past year, I have mourned the loss of my friend Dianna (cancer), my father-in-law (cancer), my cousin's husband (ALS), and my sister-in-law (Muscular Dystrophy). It's been a rough year, and while I may LOOK 29, my body feels more like 49.
Even though I've been surrounded by a lot of illness and death in the last year, God is still good. He gives me strength that I didn't know was even possible. And, the opportunities that He has given us to proclaim His name are countless. Seeing His hand in all of these circumstances has eased the pain. But, mainly, it all makes me long for Heaven more. At times, I am quite jealous of my friends and family members who are in Heaven, in the presence of Jesus, with no pain, no suffering, no sin nature to battle, etc. And I am comforted in knowing that one day, I too, will be in Heaven, and all of the pain and misery on this earth will be forgotten.
Until then, my desire is to serve Him faithfully, regardless of how old I am, look, or feel. Every day is a gift from God, and I pray that I will use all of those days to glorify Him.